
I believe that managing your relationship with stress is the ultimate key to unlocking your potential and creating a life you love. I’m so happy you are here, exploring what’s possible for you. 

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Eating lunch at your desk is a reality for many of us on busy days.

It’s efficient, sure. But it can be also mean eating whatever is nearby regardless of how unhealthy. We wind up rushing through the meal and eating while distracted by email, news updates or social media — and overeating as a result. None of which leaves us in great shape to have a productive afternoon.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Here are some tips to help take lunch at your desk from sad to satisfying:

  • Plan ahead. Have a list on your desktop of go-to lunch spots + the healthy menu options at each. I keep a running list of salad/smoothie/sandwich/Italian/Indian/sushi/deli/etc. places that are all within walking or delivery range of my office so that no matter what I’m in the mood for, I can find something healthy that satisfies.
  • Focus on your food. While it’s tempting to have one hand on your fork and the other on your mouse, make a point to stop working and reading while you eat. Focus on your meal, taking a moment to tune out the stress of the day and be present. You’ll be less likely to overeat, and it’s a great opportunity to tune in and connect with yourself in the midst of a busy day.
  • Pack a lunch from home. While it may not always be an option during the busiest weeks, bringing a lunch that you made yourself can be as healthy and delicious as you want it to be. (Helps to plan ahead for this on the weekend!

I would love to know — do you eat lunch at your desk? Do you like it? Hate it? Let me know in the comments below.

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