What if I told you that you could stop living in a state of constant stress?
Would you want to know more if there were a way you could trade exhaustion and overwhelm for JOY and CALM?
What if you could go from feeling tired all the time and struggling to keep up with it all... to feeling like yourself again, lit up with energy and enjoying life?
I promise, it is
let's get started
Ready to make a change?
Here's how it works:
In this first and foundational step, you learn to develop an awareness of your stress symptoms, triggers and patterns - because you can’t change anything until you become aware of it.
You’ll learn about what is happening to your body when you’re in a state of stress and how that manifests in the symptoms you’re experiencing. We also teach you the difference between healthy levels of stress, chronic or toxic stress and burnout and the signs of each.
And most importantly, you learn how to REGULATE YOUR NERVOUS SYSTEM daily, to help your body and mind immediately begin to break free from chronic stress overload.
Step 3 covers how to manage your lifestyle and habits to optimize your body's ability to handle stress, including:
NUTRITION: managing your energy and mood through balanced blood sugar, overcoming patterns of stress eating
MOVEMENT: staying motivated to fit in stress-relieving exercise during your busiest weeks
SLEEP: understanding the stress-sleep connection and overcoming sleep problems related to chronic stress
SELF-CARE: helping you build the muscle to prioritizing taking time for yourself – so that you can continue taking care of others as well!
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