
I believe that managing your relationship with stress is the ultimate key to unlocking your potential and creating a life you love. I’m so happy you are here, exploring what’s possible for you. 

Hello + Welcome!

How’s August treating you? Has it been slow at work with lots of people out of the office and plenty of summer Fridays? Or unseasonably busy and chaotic? 

My month’s been the latter thanks to a looming project deadline, and I’ve heard the same from plenty of people.

However your August is shaping up, I want to remind you that Fall is right around the corner. 

In a few short weeks, kids will be heading back to school, temps will begin to cool off a bit and the scent of pumpkin spice will be wafting through your local Starbucks once again.

Fall is my favorite season but after this unexpectedly busy month at the office, I want to make sure I take some time in the next couple weeks to savor summer before it’s gone — let this be your invitation to do the same!

When we’ve got a million things to do at work (and at home), it can feel like we have literally no time for self-care — but that is actually when it becomes MOST important. 

Taking time to consciously be present in the moment, in the season, and to carve out time to BE in your life fully is key to staying balanced and happy and preventing burnout. 

How can you make the most of summer in the next couple of weeks despite a demanding work schedule? Here are a few ideas:

Take your workout outside.

Take advantage of long daylight hours and warm weather, and head outdoors after work for a long walk or a run. Get outside for some tennis or golf with friends while the season lasts, or jump in the pool with your kids for a few hours to make the most of the last days of summer vacation.

Eat seasonal healthy foods.

Watermelon, sweet corn, peaches, tomatoes — eat ‘em now while they’re at peak ripeness and flavor (and peak nutritional content!). Bonus points if you make it to your local farmers’ market and buy them directly from a farmer who probably picked them just a few hours earlier.

Prioritize downtime on weekends.

Soon enough we’ll be rushing around in a back-to-school, chill-in-the-air, new season fervor. Now, while the days are long and the weather is warm, maybe be less ambitious about your to-do list. Instead, look at the next few weeks as a great time to rest, relax, and soak up some sunshine — knowing that once September hits, there will be plenty of time and energy for new projects and beginnings.

How are you seizing these last moments of summer? I would love to know. Leave a comment below, send me an email, or come say Hi over on IG.

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